Sound and Fury

August - Wanderlore Grove - Creators Realm - Jelly 27

Some events blow into storms and sweep into our consciousness without warning and with such sound and fury that all we want to do is dive for cover under the kitchen table. These events may be political, or they may be social. Sometimes, the events in question are local. This doesn’t diminish their urgency when […]

Magical Birthday

August - Creators Realm - Jelly 24 - Hobo Magician with Rabbit Mascot

Another month has come and gone, where’s the summer going! Of course, here in the Creators Realm I don’t experience summer the same way that I did in Cratersville, or as I do when I’m staying in the Wanderlore Grove. That’s okay because I always have my eternal clock hovering nearby which enlightens me, not […]

A Family Affair

August - Creators Realm - Jelly 25 - Parrot and Moon

The tree haunted the corner of Nori’s Shop of Wonders. Sometimes it seemed cloaked in moody shadows. Other times the edges of its leaves glowed as if reflecting the light of a hidden sun. The first night I noticed the tree, its limbs appeared twisted and gnarled. It was the Night Between the Worlds and […]

Butterfly Dreams

Late August before 7th Grade - Wanderlore Grove - Icon Realm - Jelly 12

I still remember the day when a hungry caterpillar inched its way across the top of my Creation Book. It was late summer. My sister Poppy and I were sitting in the shade along the banks of a lazy flowing stream in the Wanderlore Grove—our typical summer haunt. Damselflies darted about, doing their dark hunting […]

Fun Dog Birthday

August - Cratersville - Jelly 11

It seemed like a good idea at the time. This is my refrain when I’m faced with the fallout from one of those that’s-not-quite-what-I-was-expecting moments. Take the time my sister Poppy and I were planning a birthday surprise for this girl at school. Her name was Suzi—short for Susanne, a name that everyone seemed to […]

Soul Surfing

August - Creators Realm - Jelly 19

You’ve probably noticed by now that I love to create butterflies. I could say that butterflies just fascinate me—they do—but they also represent something more. Butterflies not only represent transformation, which, being a magician, is a process I’m always keen to exploit; they also represent the soul, which, being a bit of an explorer, makes […]

Butterfly Dreams Reborn

August - Zell’s Place - Creators Realm - Jelly 18 - Black Butterfly with Clockwork Gears

It was August. Two months had passed since I entered the Realm that would forever be my new home. Back in the small desert town of Cratersville, where I grew up, the weather would be in full furnace mode as was typical for late summer. In the Creators Realm, however, it was the same temperature […]


August - Creators Realm - Jelly 19

I’ll admit it. I’m known as an eccentric Creator. You can say I inherited my proclivity for the peculiar from my grandfather (I’ll write about him later). Of course, my grandmother isn’t exactly normal either. She has the ability for creature alchemy. This is different from soul surfing, for instead of entrusting your soul to […]

Love Makes the World Tweet

August - Wanderlore Grove - Icon Realm - Jelly 12 - Little Yellow Bird Singing

I love birds, they remind me of my sister Poppy. The Wanderlore Grove, where we spent our early childhood exploring all things natural and magical, was populated with an abundance of birds. Poppy, being a true avian maven, would wow me on a regular basis with her wide repertoire of bird song. I became even […]

Star-Spangled Birthday

July - Creators Realm - Jelly 24 - Sunny Butterflies with Rainbow Stars

Hello July, and Happy Birthday to all you July Babies! The great thing about July birthdays is that you don’t have a lot of other major holidays to steal the limelight from your special day. The bad thing about having a July birthday is that a lot of people are on vacation which means you […]