Stories of Clockwork and Magic by Jelly & Blue
August - Creators Realm - Jelly 21

Let Me Entertain You

It took me a while to discover my true self because I was always comparing myself to my father or my sister. It was my sister who diagnosed my shadow syndrome and helped me to discover my own true light.

My father was a great magician and entertainer.

I don’t claim to be an illusionist as he was on stage, though I do use magic on a daily basis. I also don’t pretend to be as suave or debonair as he was when he performed, though I do consider myself an entertainer.

My entertainment is quirky and fun. I guess you could call me an amuseologist. Maybe that’s why I was born with rainbow hair.

I want to make you smile.

I want to inspire you to change your life.

I want you to discover the true you—not just the you that society says you should be.

I want to electrify your soul with my fun-sized dispatches and yummy bright characters.

All of us are little creatures.

We all have a piece of the magic inside.

Each of us has the ability to change our life, our community, our world.

Let me entertain you.

Let me guide you in the true art of soul alchemy.

Your inner child will be glad you did.

—Jellybean Reds, Creator of Little Creatures

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