Jelly 16 - Dispatches of Jelly's sixteenth year

HELPFUL HINT: Dispatches are not arranged in a strict monthly order. If this is how you wish to experience my world, start with the June dispatches (my birth month) and end with the May ones.

Summer Solstice - Cratersville - Jelly 16

Summer Carnival

Cratersville held four carnivals during the year. Each carnival fell on the day-of-the-changing-season. My family never missed a carnival. When Poppy and I were younger we played the happy tourists, exploring various booths, rides and entertainment venues.  It was at the summer carnival before seventh grade, our touristy ways gave

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February 14 - Cratersville - Junior Year - Teddy Bear with Rainbow Balloons


At first, I thought I had escaped the worse of it. It was my birthday, which also meant it was Candy Hearts Day. My birthday flew under the radar with nothing more to show but a lopsided cupcake—heavily frosted—which was waiting for me in my locker when I arrived at

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February - Cratersville - Junior Year - Cupcake Creature

Secret Ingredient

I’ve written many times about my lack of cooking skills. I can heat up water for tea. I’ve gotten pretty good at making a seasonal loaf of bread, which—for me—are more like glorified cakes than real kneaded, shaped and risen creations. But, that’s about it. My journey to semi-literacy in

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