Letters to Earth - Musings from Jelly and Blue

I call this section Letters to Earth, because it contains dispatches that I hope will guide YOU my loyal readers to Living the Rainbow Life.

I write these things—to my world and yours—because life can be scary.

Sometimes, life can be short.

Despite these uncertainties, we can prepare our hearts, souls and minds to tackle whatever challenges come our way. 

—Jellybean Reds, Creator of Little Creatures


August - Wanderlore Grove - Creators Realm - Jelly 27

Sound and Fury

Some events blow into storms and sweep into our consciousness without warning and with such sound and fury that all we want to do is dive for cover under the kitchen table. These events may be political, or they may be social. Sometimes, the events in question are local. This

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August - Creators Realm - Jelly 19

Soul Surfing

You’ve probably noticed by now that I love to create butterflies. I could say that butterflies just fascinate me—they do—but they also represent something more. Butterflies not only represent transformation, which, being a magician, is a process I’m always keen to exploit; they also represent the soul, which, being a

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August - Creators Realm - Jelly 19


I’ll admit it. I’m known as an eccentric Creator. You can say I inherited my proclivity for the peculiar from my grandfather (I’ll write about him later). Of course, my grandmother isn’t exactly normal either. She has the ability for creature alchemy. This is different from soul surfing, for instead

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August - Wanderlore Grove - Icon Realm - Jelly 12 - Little Yellow Bird Singing

Love Makes the World Tweet

I love birds, they remind me of my sister Poppy. The Wanderlore Grove, where we spent our early childhood exploring all things natural and magical, was populated with an abundance of birds. Poppy, being a true avian maven, would wow me on a regular basis with her wide repertoire of

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August - Creators Realm - Jelly 21

The Extraordinary Power of Ordinary People

It’s been said that it takes a community to raise a child. This was particularly true in the case of my sister and myself. Our family life was more complicated than most other families in Cratersville. Coming from the Creators Realm, our parents were bound together by purpose even as

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August - Creators Realm - Jelly 21

Excite Like a Supernova

Whatever you do in life: Do it with spirit Do it with spunk Do it to ignite someone else’s soul Glow like the moon Shine like the sun Excite like a supernova Show the awesomeness of you —Jellybean Reds, Creator of Little Creatures

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August - Creators Realm - Jelly 21

The Journey

Living your dreams is a lot like taking a trip to the distant stars. The journey will be longer than you anticipated. Harder than you expected. More amazing than you could imagine. And, the excitement at finally arriving, may ultimately fail to live up to the sheer amount of drama

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July - Creators Realm - Jelly 28

Transcending the Dream

Dreams are like flames. Those of us who have been lured into their fiery embrace know the singeing our unsuspecting souls have endured as well as the transfiguring our very beings have undergone in their wake. At ten, my sister Poppy and I discovered a powerful Magic. At first, we

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August - Creators Realm - Jelly 21

Believe in the Dream of You

In a world where there are few things you can believe in, you have to learn to believe in yourself. You have to learn what makes you tick, what makes you get up in the morning, what makes you happy to be alive. You have to know what you’re good

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Rainbow Inspiration - Get Your Vibe On

Kaleidoscope Realm

I love rainbows. They represent so many things for me. For one, they represent that each color—though they can shine by themselves—glow with an awe-inspiring vibe when they are all present together. For another, they represent the childlike hope that believes in unicorns and pots of gold that are to

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