Stories of Clockwork and Magic by Jelly & Blue
August - Creators Realm - Jelly 21

The Journey

Living your dreams is a lot like taking a trip to the distant stars.

The journey will be longer than you anticipated.

Harder than you expected.

More amazing than you could imagine.

And, the excitement at finally arriving, may ultimately fail to live up to the sheer amount of drama you had to experience to get there. 

But the best part will be knowing that you did it.

And knowing you could do it again, when the next journey beckons.

—Jellybean Reds, Creator of Little Creatures

More To Explore

August - Wanderlore Grove - Creators Realm - Jelly 27

Sound and Fury

Some events blow into storms and sweep into our consciousness without warning and with such sound and fury that all we want to do is

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August - Creators Realm - Jelly 24 - Hobo Magician with Rabbit Mascot

Magical Birthday

Another month has come and gone, where’s the summer going! Of course, here in the Creators Realm I don’t experience summer the same way that

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