Stories of Clockwork and Magic by Jelly & Blue
June - Creators Realm - Jelly 24 (almost)

Birthday Butterflies

Celebrations and me have an awkward relationship. Thanksgiving, Winter Wish, Shamrock Day, I can get into. Mostly because the centerpiece of said celebration isn’t me.

But, birthdays are another story all together. Let’s just say that I get butterflies whenever I think about my birthday approaching. I don’t like being the center of attention. I prefer to be with close friends and family on special occasions.

Now, my birthday is still a few weeks off (Summer Solstice, if you’re wondering), yet I know a good number of you also have a birthday in June, so I thought I’d create something special for you.

Flipping through my Creation Book, I found some sketches of butterflies I have yet to make real, so I picked one of the more promising ones, decorated it with a smattering of magical orbs and let it take flight.

I made a wish as it fluttered away.

You could do the same in your world.

Butterflies represent transformation, so on your special day, instead of blowing out candles, perhaps you can find a butterfly and make a wish. Let its carefree magic inspire you to transform your dreams into reality. 

May all your beautiful dreams come true.      

—Jellybean Reds, Creator of Little Creatures

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