Stories of Clockwork and Magic by Jelly & Blue
August - Creators Realm - Jelly 21

Excite Like a Supernova

Whatever you do in life:

Do it with spirit

Do it with spunk

Do it to ignite someone else’s soul

Glow like the moon

Shine like the sun

Excite like a supernova

Show the awesomeness of you

—Jellybean Reds, Creator of Little Creatures

More To Explore

August - Wanderlore Grove - Creators Realm - Jelly 27

Sound and Fury

Some events blow into storms and sweep into our consciousness without warning and with such sound and fury that all we want to do is

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August - Creators Realm - Jelly 24 - Hobo Magician with Rabbit Mascot

Magical Birthday

Another month has come and gone, where’s the summer going! Of course, here in the Creators Realm I don’t experience summer the same way that

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