Jelly 13 - Dispatches of Jelly's thirteenth year

HELPFUL HINT: Dispatches are not arranged in a strict monthly order. If this is how you wish to experience my world, start with the June dispatches (my birth month) and end with the May ones.

September - Wanderlore Grove - Icon Realm - Jelly 13

Wanderlores New Year

The New Year for many Wanderlores is most often marked at the time of the Apple Harvest. The Eternal Clock by which they make their calculations is not quite in sync with the dates set by the SolLuna calendar used by those in the icon worlds. Thus, the new year’s

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Spring - Red Marble Minor - Icon Realm - Eighth Grade


Sand was everywhere. It was in our shoes. It piled up around the chair legs. It formed dunes on the tabletop between the wine glasses and ceremonial dishes. It was the Night of the Feast of Freedom. We had just concluded the first part of the Telling—that ancient tale where,

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November - Cratersville - Jelly 13

Turkey Day

Gobble, gobble, get ready! Turkey Day is almost here! Now, some of you may know this fast approaching day as Thanksgiving, while others of you may think of it as Shop-Till-You-Drop-Eve, but in Cratersville, where I grew up, this day was the day we celebrated turkeys. Yes, you read that

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