Being Bard - Jelly's Life in the Creators Realm
August - Creators Realm - Jelly 25 - Parrot and Moon

A Family Affair

The tree haunted the corner of Nori’s Shop of Wonders. Sometimes it seemed cloaked in moody shadows. Other times the edges of its leaves glowed as if reflecting the light of a hidden sun. The first night I noticed the tree, its limbs appeared twisted and gnarled. It was the

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August - Zell’s Place - Creators Realm - Jelly 18 - Black Butterfly with Clockwork Gears

Butterfly Dreams Reborn

It was August. Two months had passed since I entered the Realm that would forever be my new home. Back in the small desert town of Cratersville, where I grew up, the weather would be in full furnace mode as was typical for late summer. In the Creators Realm, however,

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April - Creators Realm - Jelly 19

Look at the Stars and Dream

The owls were hooting their haunting enchantment as my sister and I slipped from our room. The moon was new and, as was part of the Wanderlores’ tradition, my sister performed a ritual to bless the coming month. I was not initiated into my mother’s magic at the time, yet—no

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January - Creators Realm - Jelly 19 - Earth Orb with Rubber Ducky and Hearts

Here Be Love

I keep a small, parchment* map tacked to the wall of my room. It’s a map of Earth that was created by my sister Poppy while we were teenagers in Cratersville. I had used this beautifully illuminated map to fulfill one of her dearest wishes on the day of the

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January - Creators Realm - Jelly 18

Midnight Flowers

In the depths of winter, I conjure flowers. It’s a perk of being a Creator. For those of you familiar with my world, you know that I live in a realm of techno-magical construct. You might think, because of this fact, that planetary seasons would be of little consequence to

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Here Be Dragons

Here Be Dragons

It started with a map. I still remember my sister’s glee as she unrolled an ancient-looking map of Earth in the room above our mom’s tea shop. On the map, emblazoned across a vast swath of ocean were the ominous words—Here Be Dragons. Poppy’s love of dragons had been well

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