Magical Birthday

August - Creators Realm - Jelly 24 - Hobo Magician with Rabbit Mascot

Another month has come and gone, where’s the summer going! Of course, here in the Creators Realm I don’t experience summer the same way that I did in Cratersville, or as I do when I’m staying in the Wanderlore Grove. That’s okay because I always have my eternal clock hovering nearby which enlightens me, not […]

Butterfly Dreams

Late August before 7th Grade - Wanderlore Grove - Icon Realm - Jelly 12

I still remember the day when a hungry caterpillar inched its way across the top of my Creation Book. It was late summer. My sister Poppy and I were sitting in the shade along the banks of a lazy flowing stream in the Wanderlore Grove—our typical summer haunt. Damselflies darted about, doing their dark hunting […]

Butterfly Dreams Reborn

August - Zell’s Place - Creators Realm - Jelly 18 - Black Butterfly with Clockwork Gears

It was August. Two months had passed since I entered the Realm that would forever be my new home. Back in the small desert town of Cratersville, where I grew up, the weather would be in full furnace mode as was typical for late summer. In the Creators Realm, however, it was the same temperature […]

Love Makes the World Tweet

August - Wanderlore Grove - Icon Realm - Jelly 12 - Little Yellow Bird Singing

I love birds, they remind me of my sister Poppy. The Wanderlore Grove, where we spent our early childhood exploring all things natural and magical, was populated with an abundance of birds. Poppy, being a true avian maven, would wow me on a regular basis with her wide repertoire of bird song. I became even […]

The Magic Behind the Magic

Rainbow Inspiration - Get Your Magic On

In my Realm there’s Magic and then there’s magic. The first Magic is what my Realm is based on and created with. It is the coin of power. It is a token by which people gain status. This Magic is tightly controlled by Ritual and Decorum. I, as Bard, also utilize this Magic, though I […]

Discover Your Magic

August - Creators Realm - Jelly 21

We all have a magic inside us, one that is truly our own. This is our superpower, our change-the-world talent. Many times, we don’t recognize our own magic because we’re too busy trying to imitate the magic of others. Sometimes, we get so wrapped up in someone else’s story that we forget the work it […]

Dawn of a New Decorum

April - Cratersville - 10th Grade - Little Creature with Flower

It was in my tenth grade year of high school that the pivot happened. Up until this point, my sister Poppy and I, had created little creature with little thought as to what their purpose was. The Blues’ grandmother, Mrs. Fields, was the first to understand that our technique of ignoring the elephant (i.e. little […]

Seeking and Finding

April - Wanderlore Grove - Creators Realm - Jelly 18 - Little Clockwork Bird

I’ve mentioned my mom several times so far, but I’ve really never written much about her and what she was really like. Both of my parents were a bit of a mystery to me as I was growing up. I didn’t know a lot about their lives before I was born, and this void of […]

Little Creatures

Life on Zorko - Tessla Queen - Keeper of the Portal - Three Little Creatures

When the portal to Jelly’s world first opened, it didn’t take me long to realize that the little creatures would be a large component of their* creative endeavors. I also understood that the little creatures didn’t represent a foray into a children’s wonderland per se but a clarion call for rediscovery to more mature souls […]

Shamrocks & Rainbows

March 17 - Cratersville - Fifth Grade

We all get a little lost sometimes. It happens to the best of us. I still remember one Shamrock Day when we were visiting our home that wasn’t a home, meaning the retro-futuristic, UFO-shaped house in Cratersville where our father sometimes stayed, not the bohemian style starwagon in the Grove where Wanderlores like our mom […]