Letters to Earth - Musings from Jelly and Blue

I call this section Letters to Earth, because it contains dispatches that I hope will guide YOU my loyal readers to Living the Rainbow Life.

I write these things—to my world and yours—because life can be scary.

Sometimes, life can be short.

Despite these uncertainties, we can prepare our hearts, souls and minds to tackle whatever challenges come our way. 

—Jellybean Reds, Creator of Little Creatures


September - Wanderlore Grove - Creators Realm - Jelly 23


I’m an explorer. Many people might misconstrue this trait as being a symptom of a fickle heart, a flighty soul, a disingenuous mind. Of course, I’m none of these things, but people tend not to like it if you’re all in about certain things only to cool then disengage over

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September - Creators Realm - Jelly 18

Sing the Song

Sing the song that makes your soul dance Not the one you learned growing up Nor the one you memorized in school Discover the song that makes your soul take flight Make it your anthem and sing! —Jellybean Reds, Creator of Little Creatures

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September - Creators Realm - Jelly 18

Strangers in a Strange Land

If you know anything of my early years in the Icon Worlds, you would understand why I’m drawn to the Bohemian aesthetic. Both my mom and my sister Poppy were Wanderlores by tradition meaning they lived their lives according to the rituals required of active members of the Tribe*. Despite

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September - Wanderlore Grove - Creators Realm - Jelly 25 - Snail and Muse


It’s directly before the Wanderlores New Year and, as I’m known to do this time of year, I’ve just finished renovating the little wagon I call home—at least while I’m visiting the Wanderlore Groves, which is quite a lot during this season. The wagon is the traditional intricate affair on

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