Birthday Butterflies

Celebrations and me have an awkward relationship. Thanksgiving, Winter Wish, Shamrock Day, I can get into. Mostly because the centerpiece of said celebration isn’t me. But, birthdays are another story all together. Let’s just say that I get butterflies whenever I think about my birthday approaching. I don’t like being the center of attention. I […]
Thoughts on the Magic

I’ve written about the Magic before, but since it is the reason why the Creators Realm and the Icon Worlds exist, I thought I would add a few more thoughts for you to play with. I say thoughts instead of facts because I truly believe that the Magic, when you get down to it, is […]
The Magic Behind the Magic

In my Realm there’s Magic and then there’s magic. The first Magic is what my Realm is based on and created with. It is the coin of power. It is a token by which people gain status. This Magic is tightly controlled by Ritual and Decorum. I, as Bard, also utilize this Magic, though I […]
The Magic

At first, when my sister, Poppy, and I discovered the Magic that allowed us to create little creatures, we weren’t really sure what we had gotten ourselves into or, for that matter, what exactly the Magic that we had invited into our lives was. Eventually though, as our number of creations multiplied, we started wondering […]
Summer Carnival

Cratersville held four carnivals during the year. Each carnival fell on the day-of-the-changing-season. My family never missed a carnival. When Poppy and I were younger we played the happy tourists, exploring various booths, rides and entertainment venues. It was at the summer carnival before seventh grade, our touristy ways gave way to participating in the […]
Both and Neither

I’ve written before about how we’re all born into other peoples’ stories. My own story is more complicated than most. Some of this complexity comes from the fact that my birth family chose to live a fiction for most of my life growing up in Cratersville. By the time I returned to the Creators Realm, […]
Discover Your Magic

We all have a magic inside us, one that is truly our own. This is our superpower, our change-the-world talent. Many times, we don’t recognize our own magic because we’re too busy trying to imitate the magic of others. Sometimes, we get so wrapped up in someone else’s story that we forget the work it […]
Rainbow Rebellion

My creations are my calling card. They’re quirky, bold and generously hued. This color palette is not by accident. Some believe that my colors harken back to my childhood days when my sister Poppy and I discovered the Magic that allowed us to create little creatures. Others believe that the colors are symbolic of my […]
Rainbow is the New Black

Rainbow, to me, is a color unto itself. Each of us is a spectrum of experiences, feelings, thoughts and style. These things are ever changing as we go through life. Sometimes, we are more frivolous in our attitudes. Other times, we are more focused and disciplined. The colors of our life wax and wane as […]