Life on Zorko

life on zorko - tessla queen - keeper of the portal

I’m not sure what possessed me to start writing in my own voice, from my own perspective. It’s like I woke up one day to find that there was someone else’s voice in my head. At first I was confused for the voice didn’t sound like Jellybean or Blueberry—the two characters I harness to deliver […]

Cherry-on-Top Birthday

April - Creators Realm - Jelly 24

Hello April babies! There’s a lot going on in your birth month. So, without further ado, let me begin the run down of this month’s happenings. First up, we have April Fools Day. Now, if your birthday falls on April 01, I really feel sorry for you because people are going to spend all day […]

Tweet Peace

April - Wanderlore Grove - Creators Realm - Jelly 18

It’s a gorgeous spring day in the Wanderlore Grove and I’m flipping through the pages of my Creation Book. Being magical in nature, my Creation Book has an infinite number of pages that will continue to grow throughout my life. Only a certain number of these endless leaves, however, will ever be perusable at any […]

Dark Bard

April - Wanderlore Grove - Creators Realm - Jelly 23

In our realm, it was the Wanderlores who kept the realm in balance.  It was through their rituals that nature could coexist with the virtual, that everyday wonders could flourish side by side with the Magic, and that the dark could be at peace with the bright. My mother was a Wanderlore. My sister, Poppy, […]

Seeking and Finding

April - Wanderlore Grove - Creators Realm - Jelly 18 - Little Clockwork Bird

I’ve mentioned my mom several times so far, but I’ve really never written much about her and what she was really like. Both of my parents were a bit of a mystery to me as I was growing up. I didn’t know a lot about their lives before I was born, and this void of […]


Life on Zorko - Tessla Queen - Keeper of the Portal

I’m a maverick. I have been ever since I was young. I have no desire to do things the tried and true way. Part of this stubbornness has to do with the fact that I am on the autism spectrum. How I operate isn’t easily plugged into the plug and play world that society structures […]


Spring - Red Marble Minor - Icon Realm - Eighth Grade

Sand was everywhere. It was in our shoes. It piled up around the chair legs. It formed dunes on the tabletop between the wine glasses and ceremonial dishes. It was the Night of the Feast of Freedom. We had just concluded the first part of the Telling—that ancient tale where, set against a backdrop of […]


April - Red Marble Minor - Icon Realm - Senior Year

The ten plagues, in order: Blood Frogs Lice Flies Pestilence Boils Hail Locusts Darkness Death of the Firstborn Every year, we told the same story. How an ancient people, enslaved in Egypt, were rescued by their God to be his people. When my sister and I were children, the plagues were a source of jest […]

Dawn of a New Decorum

April - Cratersville - 10th Grade - Little Creature with Flower

It was in my tenth grade year of high school that the pivot happened. Up until this point, my sister Poppy and I, had created little creature with little thought as to what their purpose was. The Blues’ grandmother, Mrs. Fields, was the first to understand that our technique of ignoring the elephant (i.e. little […]