The Decorum IRL
The concept of the decorum is core to Jellybean’s world. The founding of this concept comes from my wish to avoid—in our world—the dangers that come when a new “magic” begins its ascent. Jelly’s story is not a literal representation of anything happening in the real world. Their story represents the symbolic cycle that occurs […]
Chaos Theory
Chaos creates change. I write this because too many people believe that happiness comes from striving after perfection. Lives must be instagram-ready to be worthy. Yet, instagram-ready lives are rarely interesting. The biggest secret that truly well rounded people won’t tell you—unless they think you’re mentally ready for it—is that true happiness only comes once […]
Dancing with Time
At the time of the Wanderlores New Year, I always like to share with those of you who are uninitiated a little about our ways. I know that getting to know the Wanderlores will help you understand not only me but the aesthetics of how I live my life in the Creators Realm. During the […]
The Magic IRL
The “Magic” is the main reason Jelly’s story came into existence. The Magic, in Jelly’s world, represents an unknowable higher power which allows the created Realms in their story to exist. I’ll let Jellybean explain the cosmology of how this all works, but my intention of building this world, based on the Magic, is to […]
Thoughts on the Magic
I’ve written about the Magic before, but since it is the reason why the Creators Realm and the Icon Worlds exist, I thought I would add a few more thoughts for you to play with. I say thoughts instead of facts because I truly believe that the Magic, when you get down to it, is […]
The Magic Behind the Magic
In my Realm there’s Magic and then there’s magic. The first Magic is what my Realm is based on and created with. It is the coin of power. It is a token by which people gain status. This Magic is tightly controlled by Ritual and Decorum. I, as Bard, also utilize this Magic, though I […]
The Magic
At first, when my sister, Poppy, and I discovered the Magic that allowed us to create little creatures, we weren’t really sure what we had gotten ourselves into or, for that matter, what exactly the Magic that we had invited into our lives was. Eventually though, as our number of creations multiplied, we started wondering […]