Kaleidoscope Realm

Rainbow Inspiration - Get Your Vibe On

I love rainbows. They represent so many things for me. For one, they represent that each color—though they can shine by themselves—glow with an awe-inspiring vibe when they are all present together. For another, they represent the childlike hope that believes in unicorns and pots of gold that are to be found if only the […]

The Magic Behind the Magic

Rainbow Inspiration - Get Your Magic On

In my Realm there’s Magic and then there’s magic. The first Magic is what my Realm is based on and created with. It is the coin of power. It is a token by which people gain status. This Magic is tightly controlled by Ritual and Decorum. I, as Bard, also utilize this Magic, though I […]

Both and Neither

August - Creators Realm - Jelly 25

I’ve written before about how we’re all born into other peoples’ stories. My own story is more complicated than most. Some of this complexity comes from the fact that my birth family chose to live a fiction for most of my life growing up in Cratersville. By the time I returned to the Creators Realm, […]

Rainbow Rebellion

Young Jelly Magician in Red with Blue Smoke

My creations are my calling card. They’re quirky, bold and generously hued. This color palette is not by accident. Some believe that my colors harken back to my childhood days when my sister Poppy and I discovered the Magic that allowed us to create little creatures. Others believe that the colors are symbolic of my […]

Rainbow is the New Black

Cauldron Spilling Rainbow

Rainbow, to me, is a color unto itself.  Each of us is a spectrum of experiences, feelings, thoughts and style. These things are ever changing as we go through life. Sometimes, we are more frivolous in our attitudes. Other times, we are more focused and disciplined. The colors of our life wax and wane as […]

Rainbow Shamrocks – Colors of My Soul

March - Creators Realm - Jelly 18

Those who have read my Shamrocks and Rainbows dispatch know that my sister Poppy and I utilized a rainbow to get a little lost creature home. The only way we were able to do this was because of the power that rainbows had already been imbued with through time. A rainbow can symbolize a divine […]

Living the Rainbow Life

Rainbow Inspiration - Get Your Vibe On - Rainbow Splash Peace Sign

I live in a troubled Realm where deep divisions and unrest currently hold sway. You might live in a similar place yourself. This is why I want to share with you a dream that I have. This dream involves a place where peace, love and harmony reign. Where the weak aren’t squashed by the powerful. […]

We Are the Rainbow

Letters to Earth - Rainbow Smileys

Some of you might be wondering why I always talk about what we can do to change ourselves instead of just focusing on the problems in the world. The answer is simple—the only soul you or I have one hundred percent control of is the one that resides within. To some, this may seem self-centered, […]