Stories of Clockwork and Magic by Jelly & Blue
December - Creators Realm - Jelly 24

Holly Jolly Birthday

Hello to all you December babies! Tis the season to be jolly and to celebrate your birthday!

In this month’s post, I wish to share a helpful hint on tackling those “single-gifters” who combine your birthday gift and your holly day gift into one nifty package.

First off, I’m on your side. Holly Day gifts and birthday gifts are not the same thing unless you are celebrating a very traditional holiday where either “the sun” or “the son” features predominately.

My sister Poppy—whose birthday fell around the time of Winter Wish—returned the favor to any such gift-perpetrators by combining their birthday gift with a celebratory card for some obscure day of her own creation. These days included—but were not limited to— milk a goat day, take your dinosaur to work day, slide down a rainbow day, talk like a bird day, race a roadrunner day, count the prickles on a hedgehog day, give a squirrel a hug day…

You get my drift.

Unfortunately, she was so clever with her cards that people actually wanted to receive them, which meant that she got “single-gifted” even more!

Okay, so maybe that wasn’t such a helpful idea.

Anyway, if you get single-gifted this year, don’t be blue. I’m thinking of you. Light a candle, sing a cheery song, put on an ugly sweater. This season comes but once a year.

Have a holly, jolly birthday. May all your Winter Wishes come true. 

—Jellybean Reds, Creator of Little Creatures

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