Stories of Clockwork and Magic by Jelly & Blue
Letters to Earth

Get Happy

Happiness is like an elusive butterfly. It is dreamt about, pursued, but rarely captured. Perhaps this is because, too often, people think of happiness as a possession—a thing to own. They think if they have the right stuff, take the right trips, have the right adventures that their life will be transformed into an existence that everyone will envy.

Perhaps this is where the great happiness pursuit gets off track.

As someone with big, hairy, audacious goals I find that happiness—for me—comes from being immersed in my creativity, enjoying the nature that revives my spirit, and infusing my mind with the knowledge of those who came before me as well as those who are my peers.

Instead of bagging braggables, I’m sharing the gems I’ve discovered by chasing my secret self through the unknown caverns of my soul.

Most of what I find will never illicit oohs. But, I’m not interested in securing the trappings of success. I’m interesting in creating things that will change my life, my community and my realm. In other words, instead of capturing an elusive butterfly, I’m transforming into one.

—Jellybean Reds, Creator of Little Creatures

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