Stories of Clockwork and Magic by Jelly & Blue


Believe in the goodness of others

Believe in your inner worth

Believe things can be better tomorrow than they are today

Believe in the Magic that makes life worth living

Believe people can grow

Believe you can overcome

Believe things can change—even if everyone doesn’t awaken

Believe the Magic is there to help you

Believe the Magic is there to guide you

Believe you have a purpose

Believe you are complete—though you may be alone

Believe the future is unknowable

Believe it’s never as bad as everyone says

Believe goodness does win

—Jellybean Reds, Creator of Little Creatures

More To Explore

October 31 - Patron World - Creators Realm - Jelly 29


There’s always a tension to life—an endless pull between two extremes. In society, strictures for behavior are strictly upheld to prevent order from dissolving into

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October 31 - Creators Realm - Jelly 26

Witch of Hearts

When the bonfire had ceased and the embers cooled, she came. Slowly, she swept up the ashen remnants of sorrow and despair offered up the

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