Living the Rainbow Life

I live in a troubled Realm where deep divisions and unrest currently hold sway. You might live in a similar place yourself. This is why I want to share with you a dream that I have. This dream involves a place where peace, love and harmony reign. Where the weak aren’t squashed by the powerful. […]
Flower Power

The Flower Power movement was born during a turbulent time in American history. It represented peaceful protest against a divisive war. The war was not only on the battlefield, but on the streets where clashes over what the country could be—and should be—took place. I would like to revisit this concept and repurpose it for […]
The Purpose of Jelly’s World

Jelly’s Story is about what happens in society when an established decorum becomes oppressive and needs to be replaced with a new way of doing things. The magic in Jelly’s world exists in two parts. One part is always in power while the other part is reserved for the time of change. When the time […]
Bring Your Dreams to Life

My father had a book. The book was quite large and to untrained eyes it would appear as nothing more than an ancient grimoire. My father kept this disguised book hidden beneath a velvet-draped table. My sister and I discovered it the summer before third grade. Whenever we visited his theater, we would steal into […]
Here Be Love

I keep a small, parchment* map tacked to the wall of my room. It’s a map of Earth that was created by my sister Poppy while we were teenagers in Cratersville. I had used this beautifully illuminated map to fulfill one of her dearest wishes on the day of the Winter Solstice shortly after I […]

It was mid January. And, according to my calendar it was only a few days away from National Hugging Day. Of course, we didn’t have an official hugging day in Cratersville, but that didn’t stop me from inserting one into my Calendar of Extraordinary Days after I learned of its existence on that great cloudy […]
Happy Bird Day

Hello January Babies! You are truly lucky to be born in January. Not only is your birthday free of being over-shadowed by the present-wrapping and merry-making of December, but you have National Bird Day to celebrate in your birth month to boot! Now you might not be much into birds, but you should be. Birds […]

Before I begin, I should let you know that I don’t have no truck with magic of any kind—at least not if I can help it. I’m not saying that magic isn’t real. Hanging with Jel, I know better than to say that. But, just because something’s real, doesn’t mean that I want to go […]
Holidays of Cratersville

The last Jolly Zings of the season are flittering about my head. They’re dropping their remaining bits of glitter and tinsel upon me as I’m writing these words. Once their magic reservoirs are empty they’ll be gone. The Jolly Zings appear along with the rest of their festive compatriots on the day after Turkey Day—also […]
Midnight Flowers

In the depths of winter, I conjure flowers. It’s a perk of being a Creator. For those of you familiar with my world, you know that I live in a realm of techno-magical construct. You might think, because of this fact, that planetary seasons would be of little consequence to life where I live. You’d […]