Stories of Clockwork and Magic by Jelly & Blue
October 31 - Creators Realm - Jelly 26

Witch of Hearts

When the bonfire had ceased and the embers cooled, she came.

Slowly, she swept up the ashen remnants of sorrow and despair offered up the night before. Gently, she gathered the shards of broken dreams, lives and hearts. Then, when she was certain that not one mote had been left behind, she departed.

The months passed.

People say that time heals all wounds. But, there’s more to it than that.

The wounds, the hurts, the pain must be addressed. The will to go on must be mustered. Thoughtfulness and caring must be embraced. Hope must be rekindled. Flames of love must be stoked. Belief must be reborn.

Wise ones say that this is what the darkness is for. This is why night follows day. This is why winter follows fall. Because, in addition to time, seasons and cycles must work their magic too. 

When the time comes, upon spring’s arrival, she will return. In one hand, she will carry a pouch filled with ashes and shards. In the other hand, she will carry a bottle filled with tears. Together, she will plant and water the promise of a new season.

But first, we must make it through the winter and the cold, dark season ahead.

—Jellybean Reds, Creator of Little Creatures

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