The Extraordinary Power of Ordinary People

It’s been said that it takes a community to raise a child. This was particularly true in the case of my sister and myself. Our family life was more complicated than most other families in Cratersville. Coming from the Creators Realm, our parents were bound together by purpose even as they lived apart. There were […]
Excite Like a Supernova

Whatever you do in life: Do it with spirit Do it with spunk Do it to ignite someone else’s soul Glow like the moon Shine like the sun Excite like a supernova Show the awesomeness of you —Jellybean Reds, Creator of Little Creatures
The Lighthouse

Two years ago, when I first arrived in the Creators Realm, I feared I would be the eternal loner. I didn’t know anyone, and the offers of matchmaking so generously offered, were even more emphatically turned down. It didn’t take long for fate to take notice. I believe there are invisible lines that connect everyone, […]
U ni QUE

Hi, my name is Tessla Queen and I’m the portal keeper to Jelly’s World. The first thing you’ll probably notice about Jelly’s World is that it’s different from anything that you have experienced before. This is no accident. I’m both neuro-diverse and gender queer. My life experiences have always been through the lens of someone […]
The Journey

Living your dreams is a lot like taking a trip to the distant stars. The journey will be longer than you anticipated. Harder than you expected. More amazing than you could imagine. And, the excitement at finally arriving, may ultimately fail to live up to the sheer amount of drama you had to experience to […]
Transcending the Dream

Dreams are like flames. Those of us who have been lured into their fiery embrace know the singeing our unsuspecting souls have endured as well as the transfiguring our very beings have undergone in their wake. At ten, my sister Poppy and I discovered a powerful Magic. At first, we were unaware of what the […]
Believe in the Dream of You

In a world where there are few things you can believe in, you have to learn to believe in yourself. You have to learn what makes you tick, what makes you get up in the morning, what makes you happy to be alive. You have to know what you’re good at—not just what you enjoy. […]