Stories of Clockwork and Magic by Jelly & Blue
Life on Zorko - Tessla Queen - Keeper of the Portal - Queen of Smiles

Why I Keep the Portal

I want people to believe in the Magic again

I want people to wonder at those things that defy explanation

I want people to believe in the creativity that lights their soul and the passion that guides their heart

I want people to embrace the serenity of nature so that they can always be connected to what is real

I want people to discover that secret spark they possess inside then turn it into a flame that lights the world

I want people to love bravely and boldly

I want to create a world that all the little creatures can call home

That’s why I keep the portal

Tessla – Queen of Smiles – Keeper of the Portal

More To Explore

October 31 - Patron World - Creators Realm - Jelly 29


There’s always a tension to life—an endless pull between two extremes. In society, strictures for behavior are strictly upheld to prevent order from dissolving into

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October 31 - Creators Realm - Jelly 26

Witch of Hearts

When the bonfire had ceased and the embers cooled, she came. Slowly, she swept up the ashen remnants of sorrow and despair offered up the

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