Creating Little Creatures

March - Creators Realm - Jelly 21 - Three Little Creatures

When I was ten, my sister and I discovered an incredible Magic. The Magic came with no instructions on how it was to be used. The only caveat was that if we accepted its contract we couldn’t stop creating—ever. Now, most would have balked at the lack of loopholes, but this didn’t dissuade my sister […]


October 31 - Patron World - Creators Realm - Jelly 29

There’s always a tension to life—an endless pull between two extremes. In society, strictures for behavior are strictly upheld to prevent order from dissolving into anarchy. Yet, the daemons of chaos are always needed to unlock imbalances that naturally take hold in such environs. I’m writing these words on the “Night Between the Worlds.” Long […]

Butterfly Dreams

Late August before 7th Grade - Wanderlore Grove - Icon Realm - Jelly 12

I still remember the day when a hungry caterpillar inched its way across the top of my Creation Book. It was late summer. My sister Poppy and I were sitting in the shade along the banks of a lazy flowing stream in the Wanderlore Grove—our typical summer haunt. Damselflies darted about, doing their dark hunting […]



When I look up at the sky at night I see a vast space filled with twinkling stars. I, being an empath, envy all that space. I’m an empath. I’m also a neuro-diverse person. I sense things that others do not. One of things that I sense is space—or the lack thereof. In social situations […]

Peace, Love and Rainbows

life on zorko - tessla queen - keeper of the portal

I’ve always been a maverick. I couldn’t help it. Not only am I gender non-binary, but I’m also neurodiverse and creative as well. The world for me is a very different place than it is for the majority of society. What society expects just doesn’t work for me. For most of my life, I thought […]

Discover Your Magic

August - Creators Realm - Jelly 21

We all have a magic inside us, one that is truly our own. This is our superpower, our change-the-world talent. Many times, we don’t recognize our own magic because we’re too busy trying to imitate the magic of others. Sometimes, we get so wrapped up in someone else’s story that we forget the work it […]

Get Happy

Letters to Earth

Happiness is like an elusive butterfly. It is dreamt about, pursued, but rarely captured. Perhaps this is because, too often, people think of happiness as a possession—a thing to own. They think if they have the right stuff, take the right trips, have the right adventures that their life will be transformed into an existence […]