Kaleidoscope Realm

Rainbow Inspiration - Get Your Vibe On

I love rainbows. They represent so many things for me. For one, they represent that each color—though they can shine by themselves—glow with an awe-inspiring vibe when they are all present together. For another, they represent the childlike hope that believes in unicorns and pots of gold that are to be found if only the […]

Rainbow is the New Black

Cauldron Spilling Rainbow

Rainbow, to me, is a color unto itself.  Each of us is a spectrum of experiences, feelings, thoughts and style. These things are ever changing as we go through life. Sometimes, we are more frivolous in our attitudes. Other times, we are more focused and disciplined. The colors of our life wax and wane as […]

Living the Rainbow Life

Rainbow Inspiration - Get Your Vibe On - Rainbow Splash Peace Sign

I live in a troubled Realm where deep divisions and unrest currently hold sway. You might live in a similar place yourself. This is why I want to share with you a dream that I have. This dream involves a place where peace, love and harmony reign. Where the weak aren’t squashed by the powerful. […]