A Family Affair
The tree haunted the corner of Nori’s Shop of Wonders. Sometimes it seemed cloaked in moody shadows. Other times the edges of its leaves glowed as if reflecting the light of a hidden sun. The first night I noticed the tree, its limbs appeared twisted and gnarled. It was the Night Between the Worlds and […]
There’s always a tension to life—an endless pull between two extremes. In society, strictures for behavior are strictly upheld to prevent order from dissolving into anarchy. Yet, the daemons of chaos are always needed to unlock imbalances that naturally take hold in such environs. I’m writing these words on the “Night Between the Worlds.” Long […]
Witch of Hearts
When the bonfire had ceased and the embers cooled, she came. Slowly, she swept up the ashen remnants of sorrow and despair offered up the night before. Gently, she gathered the shards of broken dreams, lives and hearts. Then, when she was certain that not one mote had been left behind, she departed. The months […]
The Lonely Life of Ghost
“Ghost is lonely,” Poppy said. I raised an eyebrow, much like our parents would have upon hearing such an utterance. We were walking to the coffee shop in Cratersville, fresh from the secret portal that took us to and from school. It was a Monday, which meant it was washday. In Cratersville proper—meaning downtown—people hung […]