The Journey

August - Creators Realm - Jelly 21

Living your dreams is a lot like taking a trip to the distant stars. The journey will be longer than you anticipated. Harder than you expected. More amazing than you could imagine. And, the excitement at finally arriving, may ultimately fail to live up to the sheer amount of drama you had to experience to […]

Transcending the Dream

July - Creators Realm - Jelly 28

Dreams are like flames. Those of us who have been lured into their fiery embrace know the singeing our unsuspecting souls have endured as well as the transfiguring our very beings have undergone in their wake. At ten, my sister Poppy and I discovered a powerful Magic. At first, we were unaware of what the […]


May - Wanderlore Grove - Creators Realm - Jelly 18 - Yellow Butterfly with Rainbow Flowers

Butterflies      don’t always know            where they will go                  or how they will get there Sometimes      the wind is against them Sometimes      they have to take           shelter against a storm Sometimes    […]


September - Wanderlore Grove - Creators Realm - Jelly 23

I’m an explorer. Many people might misconstrue this trait as being a symptom of a fickle heart, a flighty soul, a disingenuous mind. Of course, I’m none of these things, but people tend not to like it if you’re all in about certain things only to cool then disengage over the things that they’re still […]

Sing the Song

September - Creators Realm - Jelly 18

Sing the song that makes your soul dance Not the one you learned growing up Nor the one you memorized in school Discover the song that makes your soul take flight Make it your anthem and sing! —Jellybean Reds, Creator of Little Creatures

Chaos Theory

Life on zorko - Tessla Queen - Keeper of the Portal

Chaos creates change. I write this because too many people believe that happiness comes from striving after perfection. Lives must be instagram-ready to be worthy. Yet, instagram-ready lives are rarely interesting. The biggest secret that truly well rounded people won’t tell you—unless they think you’re mentally ready for it—is that true happiness only comes once […]