Flower Power

The Flower Power movement was born during a turbulent time in American history. It represented peaceful protest against a divisive war. The war was not only on the battlefield, but on the streets where clashes over what the country could be—and should be—took place. I would like to revisit this concept and repurpose it for […]
Sound and Fury

Some events blow into storms and sweep into our consciousness without warning and with such sound and fury that all we want to do is dive for cover under the kitchen table. These events may be political, or they may be social. Sometimes, the events in question are local. This doesn’t diminish their urgency when […]

The ten plagues, in order: Blood Frogs Lice Flies Pestilence Boils Hail Locusts Darkness Death of the Firstborn Every year, we told the same story. How an ancient people, enslaved in Egypt, were rescued by their God to be his people. When my sister and I were children, the plagues were a source of jest […]