Stories of Clockwork and Magic by Jelly & Blue
Life on Zorko - Tessla Queen - Keeper of the Portal - Little Yellow Bird Singing

Listening Leads to Peace

Perhaps it’s time to admit we’re doing this all wrong.

I’ve been watching culture all my life. I watch, I listen, I cogitate. Cogitation, for those of you who don’t know, is the consideration of points presented.

I’ve always been curious to know what people think—even people who think differently than me.

Most of us are brought up to believe that we should have all the answers, and that we should valiantly fight differing opinions.

This is the sun way of viewing things, and our culture is very sun oriented. The sun gives life but it can also be all consuming.

Social media contributes to the worst of this mindset. Inflammatory views are often rewarded with attention, which in turn prompts sharp responses. 

If we really want to find peace we first have to start listening to each other again. No, I’m not talking about listening to extremist or hateful views. I’m talking about quieting our lives, our minds, our souls and listening to viewpoints born of different life experiences.

We don’t have to agree with each other, but trying to see the world through each other’s eyes often provides that inspiration necessary for creative solutions—and more reasoned responses.

The world is full of wisdom. Many times answers to problems come at the intersection of where two opinions meet.

Now is the time to let our quiet, more intuitive and flexible side guide us.

Now, is the time for our reflective moon soul to shine.

—Tessla, Lost Soul Found

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