Jelly 20 - Dispatches of Jelly's twentieth year

HELPFUL HINT: Dispatches are not arranged in a strict monthly order. If this is how you wish to experience my world, start with the June dispatches (my birth month) and end with the May ones.

Early July - Earth - Jelly 20

The Lighthouse

Two years ago, when I first arrived in the Creators Realm, I feared I would be the eternal loner. I didn’t know anyone, and the offers of matchmaking so generously offered, were even more emphatically turned down. It didn’t take long for fate to take notice. I believe there are

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Early January - Creators Realm - Jelly 20

Holidays of Cratersville

The last Jolly Zings of the season are flittering about my head. They’re dropping their remaining bits of glitter and tinsel upon me as I’m writing these words. Once their magic reservoirs are empty they’ll be gone. The Jolly Zings appear along with the rest of their festive compatriots on

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December 24 - Creators Realm - Jelly 20

Winter Wish

It’s the morning of Winter Wish Eve. In a few hours Nori and I will be hosting a Winter Wish party at Zell’s Place. But this morning is a time for remembering as I have done for the three years since arriving in the Creators Realm. For many, Winter Wish

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September - Creators Realm - Jelly 20

Wheel of Life

It’s best to think of life’s journey not so much as a straight line filled with the milestones of accomplishments, but as a spiral where each year brings you back to the place where you have been before, granting another chance to connect to your soul’s mission. Of course, this

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